Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6-7 ESV

By: Scott Schuler

Well before sunrise launches us into the activities of the day, my wife, Lory, and I take early morning prayer walks. Holding hands and talking with God and each other, we seek the heart and will of Jesus. We’ve been doing this for years and it is clear to us that these times have bonded us to one another and to God.

Frequently I hear fellow Christians lamenting the challenges they have in their relationship with Jesus. Rather than an intimate relationship, theirs is based on either theology, the study of the nature of God, or religion, a system of faith.

While theology and religion help us know more about Jesus, do they bring us to a place of truly knowing Jesus as a friend?

No longer do I [Jesus] call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. John 1:15 ESV

A servant is someone who does what they are told, without question. A friend is someone with whom we have a trusted, unrestricted connection. A friend knows our deepest fears and celebrates our craziest dreams with us.

Jesus wants us to know that our faith in Him is not based on religious principles, but an intimate relationship.

When Lory and I share with each other, we hold nothing back – the sins or fears that keep us bound, or the dreams and celebrations that give us hope. We are intimate emotionally and mentally, forging a passionate friendship and love for one another. Sharing these conversations with Jesus gives us the platform from which we can be vulnerable and authentic, offering grace without judgement.

Jesus desires this same intentional, honest pursuit in our relationship with Him. Many people have asked me how this is possible since He is not in human form. The answer is simple: we can learn to walk in relationship with Jesus just as we can with our spouse or dearest friends.

Sometimes we make our relationship with Jesus too difficult!

When Lory and I walk each morning, Jesus is walking right alongside of us. We invite Him into our conversation as we praise Him, ask questions, express frustrations, and listen for His feedback. Sometimes we simply stroll in silence, allowing Him to speak through creation. While we may not hear Jesus speak audibly, it is thrilling to feel Him stir our spirit with thoughts or emotions.

We trust that Jesus desires to be our friend, as it is said in God’s Word. Therefore, we walk with Jesus, like we walk with one another. No preconceived notions or expectations. One day, one walk, one step at a time. That is all Jesus asks of any of us – to become intimate with Him, one step at a time.

Walk with Jesus in the morning, or later in the evening depending on your schedule. Make it a habit to talk to Him about all that is on your mind. Listen, and see what He desires to reveal to you.

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