Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, and help you; I uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 ESV

By Charles W. Schuler

In November 2018, my wife, Marianne, and I joined our church mission’s team on a visit to the veteran’s home in Walterboro, SC. Our goal was to meet and thank the veterans with awards, goody bags, and t-shirts, engaging them with conversation and festive singing.

As our team called out veteran’s numbers for prizes, I had the privilege delivering a t-shirt to one distinguished gentleman, Mr. Tom G. You could see the gratitude in Tom’s gentle smile when I stepped over to congratulate and shake his hand. When he saw “Little River” at the bottom of my nametag, he said excitedly he had once lived in Little River.

The more he talked, the more amazed we were by the similar backgrounds we shared.

He and his wife were sailors like Marianne and I were for years. He owned a 41’ C&C sloop, much like our 42’ Tayana.  We had both lived aboard our sailboats for over three years and had cruised thousands of miles.  And, like me, Tom became a Christian later in life.

Then he started sharing his special story. Years ago, he and his wife left the states to sail around the world. They were harbor hopping and decided to drop anchor in a remote area of Mexico. They had only been there a short time when Tom collapsed suddenly in his cockpit.

The cruising world is a small world in which you easily get to know the other sailors. Days before, Tom and his wife met two men from Canada and learned they were doctors taking an extended vacation.

His wife had no idea what was happening to Tom, but she remembered the doctors. She radioed for help, asking them to come quickly and assess Tom’s situation. They knew immediately he was in trouble and contacted the dockmaster, who arrived and taxied them back to shore.

Incredibly, there was a rustic emergency facility in the small shoreline town. There, the medical team diagnosed Tom with a possible brain hemorrhage. The Canadian doctors knew this was beyond their expertise. At that point, Tom’s prognosis was dire. They feared he would die.

That’s when a nurse remembered a young sailor who recently passed through. He mentioned he had just graduated as a neurologist. They quickly began a radio-search for the doctor and located him hours later.

With the warning that Tom would be his first patient, would you believe this young doctor volunteered to help Tom? Using primitive tools, the doctor successfully performed the procedure that saved Tom’s life.

If Christ had not been in the details, Tom would not be here today.

He says the lesson he learned is God loves everyone. Yes, everyone. I agreed with Tom because, as a survivor of a brain hemorrhage myself, it was also a part of my testimony of God’s presence in the details.

When we are looking, it is easy to see God in action.

As Tom finished his story, he lamented over losing a hand-carved wooden cross which he’d worn and loved for years. He wished he could find a similar cross to wear as a reminder of God’s work in his life. I walked over to our group to see if anyone could remember the name of the Little River craftsman who made them. One of the women opened her hand and held out a small wooden cross to give Tom.

I encourage others to always be aware of times in their life when they feel closest to Christ. So many people miss the special blessings without understanding God was right there!

Challenge yourself to be more aware of Jesus in your life.  When you experience His presence, share the moment with a friend. 


    The Conversation

  1. Beth Schwab says:

    I know Tom and his wife! I thought they moved to Charleston. It is an incredible story ! God was there for Tom in that small town in Mexico!!!

  2. Tim Setliff says:

    Charles, that was a wonderful story. God bless you and your wife.

  3. Keela says:

    What a beautiful, beautiful story!

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