And I [Jesus] tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18 ESV

By: Scott Schuler

Mud flew and branches snapped as I floored the Jeep deeper and faster into the woods. The engine roared through a ravine and up the rocky mountain terrain, jolting my buddies and me back and forth. Caught up in hours of trailblazing we were unaware of the waning daylight. Stopping abruptly as we came to a clearing, we were surrounded by the stillness of the cool night air. Four young foolish men who had been focused on laughter, fun and adventure looked at each other knowingly. No map, no compass. We were lost.

It’s easy to lose direction when our personal focus is on worldly pleasures. Like my buddies and me consumed with the excitement of trailblazing, we failed to recognize the signs around us.

What happens when a church loses its biblical compass?

Some signs are subtle, happening over time. Others are intentional but poor decisions. These churches haven’t established or don’t adhere to Jesus being the head of the church. Some churches worship their leaders instead of Jesus, manipulate financial giving that is clearly motivated by selfish gain, or value a culture of serving over a relationship with Jesus.

Other churches may water down God’s Word. They fear they will lose members because the truth is too hard to hear. What is the truth?

Being good people isn’t good enough – we are all sinners, the enemy exists and Jesus is the only way to salvation.

Ouch! When a church avoids these truths, they tolerate sin, allowing ever-changing societal trends to dictate right and wrong. These churches accept sinful behaviors and lifestyles among the church body and leadership. They conform doctrine to the corruption of a broken world.

Jesus warned against such misapplication of biblical leadership when He prophesied to the seven churches in the book of Revelation. He recognized each church for their good and faithful works, but He also exposed their sinfulness. Jesus told the church in Laodicea in the Book of Revelation 3:15-17 ESV:

“I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked”.

What did Jesus mean by lukewarm?

Lukewarm is a slow fade from the vigorous pursuit of God’s Word as the foundation for our faith, to a passionless, permissive attitude.

Churches established in affluent societies often struggle with lukewarmness. They no longer depend on the divine power of Jesus for the vitality of their church or the leadership of their programs.

The enemy wants us to ignore the signs that our church has lost its biblical compass. He instills fear that evil will prevail, even in church. With the division that is going on throughout our nation and world, followers of Jesus must stand strong on truth.

God’s true Church, established and led by Jesus, isn’t overcome by evil or man’s ungodly intent.

They say that knowledge is power. We know that God’s Word is Truth. Who can we share the Truth with today? How can we be a voice for Truth in our church and community?

1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Charlie says:

    Very appropriate for today’s churches.

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