He [Jesus] was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He [Jesus] was beaten so we could be whole. He [Jesus] was whipped so we could be healed. Isaiah 53:5 (NLT)

By: Scott Schuler

I was shocked at the blood pouring down my foot and onto the garage floor. My arms loaded with boxes, I had slipped on the wet floor, slicing my ankle on the old metal handle of the garage door. Although I typically have a high pain tolerance, this time I felt faint. As the sweat of pain, first hot then cold, coursed through my body I sat up to assess the damage. I could tell immediately the artery was cut.

In all my years of football and wrestling injuries, I could not remember pain this intense. As my mom rushed me to the hospital, I thought to myself I just wanted this pain to end. Experiencing those brief moments of agony pales in comparison to what Jesus endured on the cross. Have you ever considered what happened at the cross in Jesus’ final moments as a man?

Jesus was nailed to the cross and a crown of thorns forced into his head (John 19:2). Myriad physical effects occurred simultaneously – fatigue, cramping, throbbing pain and massive blood loss. The ultimate physical causes of Jesus’ death were asphyxia and blood loss.

Yet Jesus’ broken spirit may have been the most excruciating cost for our sins. His final cry reveals His anguish: And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46 ESV).

Jesus felt momentarily forsaken and separated from His Father.

Like many of us, Jesus experienced rejection.

Jewish religious leaders accused and condemned him; Roman leaders persecuted him; the twelve disciples abandoned him. God did not liberate Jesus from the cross; His life was the required sacrifice for the redemption of mankind’s sins. What suffering God must have felt, sending His Son to death.

For our sake he [God the Father] made him [Jesus the Son] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him [Jesus] we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21 ESV

We too easily dismiss the horror of what Jesus endured physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But if Jesus had chosen to disobey his Father, every human being would be condemned to eternal destruction in hell.

How did the cross change everything 2,000 years ago? Jesus, who never sinned, embodied our sins, bad habits and addictions which died with Him on the cross. Those who believe in the resurrection of our Savior and forgiveness of sins, are restored to a right relationship with God.

Through the cross God crushed Satan’s power of sin and death.

The cross is much more than a symbol, piece of jewelry or church statuary. Thirty years ago, the wise counsel of a good friend and strong follower of Jesus suggested I ask Jesus for a deeper understanding of the work of the cross in my life. That search ignited my passion to write and teach about the miracles of the cross, empowering others to walk in freedom with Jesus too.

If the power of the cross sounds complicated, ask Jesus to reveal the healing power of the cross in your life.


    The Conversation

  1. Tim Setliff says:

    Awesome, my heart was drawn to the cross. I immediately prayed for JesuveaSsetliffl the healing power of the cross in my life.

  2. Tim Setliff says:

    Awesome, my heart was drawn to the cross. I immediately prayed for Jesus to reveal the healing power of the cross in my life.

  3. Marianne Svhuler says:

    Heart wrenching!!! Expressed excellently! Praying that family members who don’t know that Jesus suffered for each of us and will come to the saving knowledge of this truth!

    • scottcschuler says:

      Thanks Marianne. Yes, the suffering Jesus went through for us is overwhelming. Praying for the family.

  4. Charlie says:

    Fantastic. Helps bring meaning to the truth.

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