Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105

By Amanda Melody

I sat there staring into a dark ocean as the breeze blew through my hair. My friend and I were lounging on a dock off the coast of Belize, gazing at the full moon spilling light onto the water. “Look, the path of light from the moon is leading right up to my feet!” I said over the sound of lapping waves below us. She replied in a teasing tone, “No, it’s leading up to my feet!” We laughed, knowing we were both right. From our two vantage points, the brightly lit moon made a distinct path to both of us.

Remembering that night always reminds me the path God has set for me is mine and mine alone. No one else can walk it or see it from my perspective.

God’s light is my only guide.

Matthew 14:22-33 tells the story of Peter’s path on the water. The disciples were fishing in the darkness of night when Jesus appeared as a ghost on the water. Fear and confusion overcame them. Except for Peter, who so desperately wanted to be with his Teacher, he asked Jesus if he could walk on water with Him. “Come,” says Jesus.

With his eyes squarely on his Master, Peter did it! Was he still scared? Yup! Did he have any idea of the outcome of this decision? Nope! He was so excited to be walking with Jesus, he jumped into the churning black water. I imagine his buddies thought Peter was crazy.

Have you ever stepped out of the boat in faith, wondering if you could walk with Jesus?

Like us, Peter was human and though he took a step toward Jesus, his eyes wandered. He doubted and stumbled. “He saw the wind and the waves and became afraid.” Can you blame him? The moment he began to sink Peter cried out to Jesus. Peter knew the only way he would survive was with the help of Jesus.

Jesus responded, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” Not as admonishment, but in loving reflection. Because Jesus was fully human, He knew why Peter doubted. Jesus wasn’t scolding him. He was asking Peter to think it through. To ponder why his eyes wandered to the wind whipping angrily around him. And the waves churning under his feet, making him unsteady.

Peter was just a normal guy! He didn’t fail a test. He got out of the boat, trusted Jesus, and in the same moment he stumbled, he cried out to Jesus for help. Peter went farther than most of us would go.

Would you get out of the boat if Jesus said, “Yes, come!”?

When I am near the ocean and a big bright moon begins to rise over the waves, it reminds me of my path. It is mine to walk. Yet I am not alone. Others can encourage me. Some might help me out of the boat and onto the water. Others may cheer me on from the dock. But they don’t walk my path because they have their own.

The only One who can keep me from drowning is my Savior. He is my light in the darkness.

He made this path and I need to trust Him. Whether the crashing waves are wiping my feet from under me. Or the strong wind takes my breath away. Jesus is there. I may stumble and even begin to drown but I know His hand will reach down and pull me back up onto my path. He’ll continue to lead me forward until the sun comes up and I see clearly the path He has set before me.

Ask Jesus to help you step out of the boat in faith. What is holding you back? Pray for Jesus to reveal the root of your hesitation.


    The Conversation

  1. Harriet Witten says:

    I love this!! I find myself often in this same place. Thank you so very much!

  2. Kris Stanton says:


    • scottcschuler says:

      Thanks Kris. I let Mandy know about your comments. She did an excellent work on this Blog.

  3. Garvin Gilley says:

    I can so relate to Peter. It’s not too hard to jump out of the boat in a moment of bravado. But it takes the sobering realization that nothing we have ever done or will do has been in our own strength.

    • scottcschuler says:

      Thank you for the comments. Mandy did an excellent work on this Blog.

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