For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13-14 NIV

By Scott Schuler

It was the middle of an oppressively hot day in a small Ugandan village, where our mission’s team had been working in the town square. My interpreter, along with two American missionaries and my new Ugandan friend, John, were walking along a dirt road to his home village. John, once a devout follower of Islam, had just given his life to Christ the day before, after hearing the name “Jesus” and praying with me to receive salvation.

As we walked along, getting further away from our mission group, one of the American women began to look fearful, “I can’t do this,” she said. “This is just too hard.” She turned back, while the few continued deeper into the village on a narrow, unknown road.

Fear often keeps us from walking the narrow road.

John had come to me earlier that day with deep concern. Now that he was a Christian, this 17 year-old was no longer welcome at his Islamic home. John had chosen the truth of Jesus and was willing to sacrifice everything for his new faith. But, now what? The weight was heavy upon me. Had I just wrecked this kid’s life while soon I would go back home to the comforts of America?

One of our greatest fears is that Jesus will wreck life as we know it!

We arrived at John’s home, a rudimentary mud hut with no amenities. His two rather large and intimidating brothers sat silently, as John introduced us through our interpreter. John’s mother and grandmother arrived moments later, apprehensive but seemingly agreeable to listen.

Although fear tugged at me momentarily, there was something greater rising up in me. The Holy Spirit drew my mind to the two paths that Jesus speaks of in Matthew 7:13-14, the wide road that leads to destruction and the narrow road that leads to life.

When our interpreter indicated that I was invited to speak, I sensed the power of Jesus speaking through me as I shared the salvation message of Jesus Christ. Because I had literally chosen the narrow road that day, I witnessed the miracle of all four family members becoming believers.

There are only two spiritual roads we can travel.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14 that there are only two spiritual roads. We are either on one or the other. There is not a middle road.

The broad road leads to destruction.

I know this road well, as I traveled it for years. My choices allowed me to live the way I wanted and believe whatever I thought was right. I know many “good” people who are still on this road, but it all leads to destruction – eternal separation from God. Final destination – hell. Yes, hell is real. Read the Bible to see.

The narrow road leads to life.

This road is less travelled, but it’s the only way to heaven. While it took me years to find and follow this road, I learned that it does not restrict my life, but instead removes the sin and lies of the world. The narrow road sets us all free to live out the purpose for our existence.

Before hearing the truth of Jesus, my Ugandan friends followed a path that was leading them to destruction. Immediately upon hearing the truth of salvation from sins, they knew it was the right road.

Proclaiming the truth of Jesus sets everyone free.

How would you classify the road you’re walking? Share your thoughts and questions below.

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